- E01 - RGB vs. CMYK - The Graphic Designers Printer PressCats 6:37 15 years ago 96 255 Далее Скачать
RGB vs CMYK (old, check description for new video) 2-Minute Design 2:15 9 years ago 15 175 Далее Скачать - E02 - Margins & Bleeds - The Graphic Designers Printer PressCats 7:27 15 years ago 3 107 Далее Скачать
Graphic Design 102: The Art and Science of Color - 8. Printing RGB vs. CMYK macProVideoDotCom 2:45 10 years ago 1 542 Далее Скачать
The difference between CMYK and RGB Color Modes! Which color mode should you design in??! At Home Pixels 8:04 4 years ago 2 125 Далее Скачать
RGB vs CMYK and Printing | Tips from 2:05 11 years ago 17 580 Далее Скачать